Thursday, September 22, 2005


Li Ao Beiing University Speech


We finally get to meet me, host, principals, officers, VIP, teachers, and students.


Am I nervous coming here to make a speech? I am nervous, standing in front of a large audience in the auditorium. Many people here can control a mighty military, but you allow me to speak a few words. I would shrink and not dare speak, for what reason? Cowards! When Americans won the Civil War between the North and South, General Grant, who controlled a mighty military force, was presented a medal by President Lincoln. He was allowed to speak a few words, but he didn’t say a word. Why? Because he was afraid of the situation, and froze when he was about to speak.

沒小抄 調侃連戰
Roasting of Lien Chan


A few nights ago I wrote a story. At Beijing University a female student enters a small room. All of sudden she see a boy in the room mumbling something while pacing about. She asked “What are you doing?” The boy replied, “I’m preparing for a speech.” The girl asked in response, “Where are you giving the speech?” The boy in return says, “At Beijing University.”
“Are you nervous?” The girl asked.
“No I am not.” The boy replied
“If you are not nervous, why are in you in the girls restroom?” The girl asked.
This is the man Lien Chan.


Taiwan has a famous singer, Cui T'ai ching. You guys don't know the meaning of 3 words making up the name. Cui is as in “Bullshiting.” T'ai as in “Taiwanese.” Ching as in “Youth.” Taiwan depends on confusion, depends on bullshitting. Especially confusing young people. That's the type of person Lien Chan is. He can try to deceive other people, but he cannot deceive us. He can deceive you, like he tried the last time he came here. Today's very important to understand is you perceived Lien Chan speech reflected on him being a good person. I'm here to warn you, you may be very disappointed today, why? Because I have no way within 1 hour to change your opinion, because you've all been tricked by Lien Chan, it is very difficult for me to change your opinion around.


I'm here to complain about one person, the person is my boss. Phoenix Television's Mr. Liu Zhang Le. Why do I want to complain about him? He sent me to Beijing because I demanded it. Sorry, after seeing you all I've reverted to my native accent. Coming to Beijing, but I'm already on the mainland, on Phoenix Television speaking on over 400 channels. You are all fairly familiar with me, looking at me with familiar eyes. I will succeed in today's speech, this is very difficult, you guys don't fully understand Lien Chan. You saw him right? Therefore you are familiar with me, this is very difficult for me. It's all the fault of the boss Mr. Liu Zhang Le. So that's my complaint for the day.


Now we start on the topic, Roman Catholic Pope said something once. He said when you give a speech one cannot use drafts. Why can’t you use notes? Using notes means you cannot remember. If you cannot remember, how do you expect the audience to remember? Your speech disappears. People will see no notes, no little slips of paper with reminders. But I did bring some evidence (props), which I will use later in the speech.

(more tommorow maybe)

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